6 research outputs found

    Colony vs. Metropolis: opposing discursive representations of a colony’s national Identity in the printed press

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    Theoretically based on the paradigm known as Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), this paper explores the discursive representation of Gibraltar’s identity as it was perceived both from inside –Gibraltar itself- and from its metropolis –Britain, during two crucial moments for this community: the referendums held in the colony in 2002 and 1967. The textual corpus consists of editorial articles drawn from Gibraltarian and British newspapers. Analysis shows how Gibraltar strongly builds its identity on the expression of its inner self, hence as a victim and passive entity, while the British press constructs Gibraltar as a political entity with little interest on the human side of the issue. Basado en el paradigma lingüístico conocido como Análisis Crítico del Discurso (CDA), este artículo explora la identidad Gibraltareña a través de la representación discursiva construida tanto desde dentro de la colonia como desde fuera, su metrópolis, durante los dos referendums que se celebraron en 2002 y 1967. El trabajo analiza artículos editoriales extraídos de la prensa gibraltareña y británica. Los resultados han mostrado cómo Gibraltar construye su representación discursiva como una víctima, mientras que la prensa británica refuerza su identidad política con escaso interés por el lado humano del asunto

    The process of building the upper-level hierarchy for the aircraft structure ontology to be integrated in FunGramKB

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    In this article we collect a corpus of texts which operate with a controlled language (ASD Simplified Technical English) in order to facilitate the development of a new domain-specific ontology (the aircraft structure) based on a technical discipline (aeronautical engineering) included in the so called “hard” sciences. This new repository should be compatible with the Core Ontology and the corresponding English Lexicon in FunGramKB (a multipurpose lexico-conceptual knowledge base for natural language processing (NLP)), and, in the same vein, should eventually give support to aircraft maintenance management systems. By contrast, in previous approaches we applied a stepwise methodology for the construction of a domain-specific subontology compatible with FunGramKB systems in criminal law, but the high occurrence of terminological banalisation and the scarce number of specific terms, due to the social nature of the discipline, were added problems to the most common NLP difficulties (polysemy and ambiguity). Taking into consideration previous results and the complexity of this task, here we only intend to take the first step towards the modelling of the aircraft ontology: the development of its taxonomic hierarchy. Consequently, the hierarchy starts with the whole system (i.e., an aircraft) and follows the traditional decomposition of the system down to the elementary components (top-down approach). At the same time, we have collected a corpus of 2,480 files of aircraft maintenance instructions, courtesy of Airbus in Seville. For the bottom-up approach (under construction), we consult specialised references end explore the corpus through the identification and extraction of term candidates with DEXTER, an online multilingual workbench especially designed for the discovery and extraction of terms

    La construcción de la identidad nacional en el discurso periodístico: el caso de Gibraltar

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    : Recent studies within the linguistic paradigm of CDA (critical discourse analysis) have focused on the discursive construction of national identity, among them is the model developed by Professor Wodak and the Vienna School of Discourse Analysis, known as the discourse-historical approach. The present investigation applies this method to a new context, Gibraltar. Due to its particular historical evolution and recent events, the question of this community's identity is a central issue nowadays. This study analyses editorial articles from Gibraltarian, British and Spanish newspapers to discover how this community was discursively constructed and represented in the press, and consequently the image that this potent means of mass communication disseminated.: Dentro de la tradición del Análisis Crítico del Discurso (CDA), el presente trabajo analiza la construcción discursiva de la identidad nacional siguiendo el modelo elaborado por Wodak y la Escuela Vienesa de Análisis del Discurso (denominado Discourse-historical approach), aplicado al contexto de la comunidad de Gibraltar. Su particular evolución histórica y hechos recientes han hecho que el tema de su identidad como pueblo haya adquirido relevancia. En la percepción que tenemos acerca de la identidad de este pueblo, juega un papel muy importante la prensa como medio de difusión de ideas. De ahí que el corpus textual de este estudio está extraído de artículos editoriales de la prensa tanto gibraltareña como británica y española, lo cual nos permite descubrir la imagen de Gibraltar que discursivamente se construye y difunde a través de estos medios de comunicación, influenciando y forjando la percepción que la sociedad tiene de la identidad de este puebl

    The process of building the upper-level hierarchy for the aircraft structure ontology to be integrated in FunGramKB

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    In this article we collect a corpus of texts which operate with a controlled language (ASD Simplified Technical English) in order to facilitate the development of a new domain-specific ontology (the aircraft structure) based on a technical discipline (aeronautical engineering) included in the so called “hard” sciences. This new repository should be compatible with the Core Ontology and the corresponding English Lexicon in FunGramKB (a multipurpose lexico-conceptual knowledge base for natural language processing (NLP)), and, in the same vein, should eventually give support to aircraft maintenance management systems. By contrast, in previous approaches we applied a stepwise methodology for the construction of a domain-specific subontology compatible with FunGramKB systems in criminal law, but the high occurrence of terminological banalisation and the scarce number of specific terms, due to the social nature of the discipline, were added problems to the most common NLP difficulties (polysemy and ambiguity). Taking into consideration previous results and the complexity of this task, here we only intend to take the first step towards the modelling of the aircraft ontology: the development of its taxonomic hierarchy. Consequently, the hierarchy starts with the whole system (i.e., an aircraft) and follows the traditional decomposition of the system down to the elementary components (top-down approach). At the same time, we have collected a corpus of 2,480 files of aircraft maintenance instructions, courtesy of Airbus in Seville. For the bottom-up approach (under construction), we consult specialised references end explore the corpus through the identification and extraction of term candidates with DEXTER, an online multilingual workbench especially designed for the discovery and extraction of terms